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Adorable Things Your Cat Will Do Over the Holidays

December 15, 2020

Happy Holidays! While this year may be a bit short on hustle and bustle, because of the pandemic, there will still be plenty of people enjoying some seasonal traditions and foods. Your feline pal also has some things on her kitty agenda for the next few weeks. A Coral Springs, FL vet lists some cute ones below.

Bat At Ornaments

Don’t be surprised if you find your feline buddy playing with the tree. As far as Fluffy is concerned, that tree is a giant cat tower hung with toys! These kitty shenanigans can be cute, but they are also dangerous. Hang just a few breakable ornaments on the bottom of the tree. These should be things that won’t break or hurt your pet if she does knock them down. If you have a super-frisky furball, secure the top of the tree to the wall or ceiling with fishing line.

Claim A Box … Or Ten

Give Fluffy some empty boxes once everyone has finished opening gifts. You can even make your kitty a box castle. This is a great way to keep your kids occupied for a bit! It can also make for some super cute holiday photos.

Play With A New Gift

Toys are great gifts for kitties. Don’t forget to put some new playthings in Fluffy’s stocking! Your pet may also appreciate treats, catnip, or some new cat furniture.

Make You Laugh

If there’s one thing kitties are good at—aside from napping and hunting—it’s making us laugh. Fluffy will keep you smiling with her adorable antics and mannerisms!

Have A Snack

Your feline friend will definitely appreciate a yummy treat. Just stick with safe options, such as canned tuna or chicken; shredded deli meat; or plain, cooked boneless meat, fish, or poultry. Store-bought treats are okay, too.

Curl Up For A Nap

A snoozing kitty really is the purrfect final touch to any holiday scene. Let Fluffy fall asleep on your lap as you’re reading or watching a movie. Cats make great cuddle buddies!

Kitty Carol

Some furballs are very chatty, while others don’t have much to say. However, even cats that don’t speak much often respond when spoken to. Talk to Fluffy, and see what she does. 

Please contact us if ever we can be of assistance. As your Coral Springs, FL veterinary clinic, we’re here to help! 

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