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Creating a Dog-Friendly Yard

March 1, 2021

Do you have a yard for your dog to run and play in? If so, that’s great! You may want to consider a few pupgrades to make it more dog-friendly. Read on as a local Coral Springs, FL vet offers some advice on creating a dog-friendly yard for your canine buddy.


First things first: make sure that your fencing is secure, so your pooch can’t escape. If Fido is a digger, you may want to bury chicken wire along the fence, and weigh it down with rocks. We also recommend getting a self-latching gate.

Ground Cover

Grass is the most popular ground cover in the US, but it isn’t the only option. Pea gravel, artificial turf, and thyme are also good choices. We don’t recommend using a lot of mulch, though. Dogs can get painful paw splinters from it. They can also choke if they try to eat it. Cocoa mulch is extra dangerous, as it’s made from cocoa, which is poisonous to Man’s Best Friend.


Make sure that your home contains only pet-safe plants. You can find a full list at the ASPCA website here .

Tail Wag Inducers

Why not add some features just for your canine pal? A doghouse, of course, is the gold standard here. Getting the right size is very important. It should be big enough for Fido to feel comfy and safe, but not too big. Your pooch may also enjoy a kiddy pool, or perhaps some ramps or tunnels. If he likes digging, get him a sandbox to bury his treasure in.


Fleas, ticks, and other critters tend to lurk in tall grasses and piles of debris. Keep your yard neatly mowed, and pick up piles of dead branches or other debris. It’s also a good idea to trim back branches so they don’t touch the walls of your house.


Do you have a pool? If so, you’ll need to take a few extra precautions. We strongly recommend keeping pools gated off when they are not in use. It’s also important to teach your furry friend how to get out. This is very important! Otherwise, Fido could be in big trouble if he ever falls in when you’re not looking.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your Coral Springs, FL veterinary clinic, we are here to help!

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