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Fun Ways To Celebrate Garfield Day

June 15, 2022

Garfield Day is June 19th! If you’re a fan of the lasagna-loving feline, put a pawprint on your calendar! The animated orange ball of fur and sarcasm has been charming people since the 70’s, and is definitely a beloved cultural kitty icon. Here, a Coral Springs, FL vet lists some fun ways to celebrate this ‘pawspicious’ occasion.


What better way to celebrate than with Garfield’s favorite meal? The beauty of lasagna is that there’s really no end to the variations you can try … and no wrong way to make it. It doesn’t matter whether you want to go all-out and cook one from scratch, order from your favorite spot, or just pick up a frozen one.


If you want to keep the night’s entertainment on-theme, you can delve into one of Garfield’s many TV shows and movies. For family-friendly entertainment, you may want to try Garfield: The Movie or Garfield 2: A Tale Of Two Kitties. Garfield Gets Real is another option. There’s also a TV series and some fun animated specials. In the mood for something darker? Don’t forget Garfield’s cameo appearance in Zombieland! Bill Murray plugs his new movie with the ‘Flabby Tabby’ in the beginning.

Share The Word

There are many Garfield memes and comics available online. There’s also a Garfield wiki to explore. Share some posts on social media, and get others in on the fun!


Kitties make great lap warmers for bookworms. There are quite a few options to choose from here, as well. Garfield not only starred in several comic books, but has also been published in several ‘Best of’ and omnibus comic strip collections.

Curse Monday

Garfield Day is on a Sunday this year. It definitely would not be inappropriate to grumble about the looming Monday a bit!

Adopt A Cat

The best way to honor this chubby furry celebrity? Adopt a grumpy, lazy cat of your own! If you get an orange kitty, you could always name it Garfield. Nermal would of course be the perfect name for a grey kitten.


Naps would definitely make the list of Garfield’s favorite things. Even better: this year Garfield Day falls on a Sunday … the perfect lazy day for enjoying naps, books, movies, and lasagna!

 Is your feline buddy due for an exam? Contact us, your local Coral Springs, FL animal clinic, today!

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