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Taking Silly Dog Photos

July 15, 2022

July 26th is Dog Photography Day! Fido is very photogenic, and he can certainly melt hearts. We love seeing pictures that capture pups’ expressive, soulful eyes. Of course we’re also pretty fond of goofy pictures. Capturing those fun, silly moments on camera can be tricky, but it’s well worth the effort. A Coral Springs, FL vet offers some advice on getting those cute candid shots below.


Is your pup a furry ball of zoom? Take some shots of your pooch running and playing. Jumping shots can be lots of fun, especially if you happen to snap Fido as he’s completely airborne. Use a fast shutter speed for these. You may also need to enlist a buddy to toss a ball for your four-legged friend.


This can be another fun one. Normally, we’d advise taking Fido’s picture against a background that contrasts with his fur. To take a funny one, try the opposite: find a spot where your canine buddy will blend in.


Consider teaching Fido to catch treats that you toss to him. Just take care to choose the right snack for a photo shoot. You want something big enough that it’s easy for your furry friend to spot. However, you don’t want anything that’s too big, as your pooch could get full and lose interest before you get the shot!

Close Up

Don’t forget those extreme close ups. Fido’s nose will never stop being cute!


Dog shaming has been making us laugh since the early days of the internet. This basically entails writing something on a sign to ‘embarrass’ your canine pal, and then taking his picture with the sign. Has Fido let the cat steal his bed? Does he bark at the vacuum cleaner? These are great topic options. Just stick to fun, light stuff: true behavioral issues should be discussed with your vet or a professional behaviorist.


Who says you can’t have fun with props? Pop a wig on Fido, or put a little hat on him. You can also drape him with Mardi Gras necklaces, or put bee wings on him. Just put safety first. Choose safe props, and never leave him unattended with them.


Don’t forget to experiment with filters. Fido may look hilarious with a digital mustache or eyebrows!

Please contact us, your local Coral Springs, FL veterinary clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!

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