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Fluffy’s Cutest New Year’s Resolutions

January 1, 2023

Happy New Year! Do you have major goals in mind for 2023? Or are you just waiting to see where the next 12 months take you? Of course, our feline patients will probably sleep through most of the year. However, Fluffy may have a few resolutions of her own to work on. A Coral Springs, FL vet lists some adorable kitty resolutions in this article. 

Protect The Humans

Fluffy will spring to the rescue if an unauthorized moth enters the house. She may also protect you against dust bunnies and bottlecaps!

Catch The Red Dot

That little red dot may not seem like a formidable adversary, but it’s been taunting Fluffy for years. Help her try to reach this goal by playing with her regularly.

Jump Higher

Did you know that kitties can jump as much as 6 times their height? However, it will take Fluffy a little while to work up to that level of prowess. Your furry pal will definitely want to work on her springs, pounces, and leaps this year. (A cat tower may come in handy for your furball’s practice sessions.) 


Our feline pals are definitely big believers in the importance of getting enough rest. Your kitty may spend up to 20 hours a day napping. Help her out by providing lots of comfy beds and napping spots. (That includes lap space, of course.)

Be Helpful

Kitties really are grateful for the love, food, and care we provide. Fluffy may try to reciprocate by ‘helping’ with things like changing the sheets, knocking things off your coffee table, or keeping stray boxes from running off. How sweet!


Have you ever noticed that cats often have this serene, contemplative look on their furry faces, especially when they’re relaxing? Fluffy may try to connect with a higher power this year. Or, maybe she’ll work on connecting with her inner kitten.

Be Adorable

Fluffy probably won’t have a hard time with this one: cats are always super cute, even when they’re sleeping … which of course is most of the time. Kitties definitely do have a special way of keeping us smiling! Help your feline buddy have her best year ever by pampering her with love, toys, catnip, great food, and, of course, veterinary care.

As your Coral Springs, FL pet hospital, we’re always here to help! Feel free to contact us anytime!

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