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5 Reasons To Consider Pet Insurance

May 1, 2023

Did you know that pet insurance has been growing in popularity over recent years? Just like car insurance, health insurance, and life insurance, this can be a wonderful safety net, and could make a huge difference if your beloved pet were ever to get sick or injured. Here, a Coral Springs, FL vet lists some reasons you may want to consider pet insurance.

An Ounce Of Prevention

Insurance may be another monthly bill, but those payments could end up saving you hundreds or even thousands in an emergency. This is one product that it’s better to have and not need than to need and not have. When it comes to pets, an ounce of prevention is often worth several pounds of cure!

Specialized Treatments

Veterinary medicine has progressed rapidly over the past several decades, right along with human medicine. As you may know, we work with veterinary specialists. This allows us to offer the best care options around. Although every pet insurance plan is different, many cover specialized treatments, such as laparoscopies or endodontics. 


If there’s one thing that we know for sure about our animal companions, it’s that they have a knack for getting into trouble. Fido has eaten phones, socks, remotes, balls, and keys, among other things. (The entire list would require a blog of its own.) This is one example of a fairly common situation that may require emergency surgery … which could cost thousands of dollars out of pocket. Pet insurance can save you significant amounts of money in emergency situations. 

Peace Of Mind

It can be terrifying to realize that your four-legged friend is sick or injured. Unfortunately, emergencies don’t usually happen at the most convenient times. In fact, it’s usually the opposite. You definitely don’t want to find yourself in a position where your animal companion needs more care than you can afford. Insurance can make a huge difference in those situations. It can also help protect your savings.

Perks And Discounts

While every type of pet insurance is different, many plans do offer perks and discounts. You may save when enrolling multiple pets, for instance. It’s definitely worth your while to look into various options, and compare plans, perks, and prices. It never hurts to learn more!

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your local Coral Springs, FL animal clinic, today! 

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