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7 Ways To Pamper A Senior Dog

September 15, 2021

Is your canine buddy starting to slow down with age? It can be very bittersweet to realize that your beloved pet is entering his golden years. Fido will somehow manage to get even cuter and sweeter as he ages, but he will need some extra care. In this article, a Coral Springs, FL vet lists some ways to pamper an older dog.


One of the best things you can do for your furry friend is to get him a thick, comfy bed. Or two. (There’s no rule that says Fido can only have one!) We recommend orthopedic beds for older dogs. You may want to get one with a washable, waterproof cover, in case he has an accident.


Your pup’s squirrel-chasing days may be behind him, but he will still enjoy and benefit from relaxing walks. Let Fido pick the pace, and take him in when he gets tired. You may really enjoy this special time with your canine companion!


Many senior dogs will benefit from some sort of supplements. Glucosamine and omega-3 fish oils are both great for pups with bone/joint issues, such as arthritis. Ask your vet for specific advice.

Wellness Care

Speaking of vets, make sure to bring Fido to see his regularly. Just like people, dogs need to see their doctors a bit more as they age.

Good Grooming

This is important for all dogs, but it really can make a huge difference with older pups. Fido will be much more comfortable with clean, soft fur. Nail trims are also important. If your furry friend’s nails get too long, they’ll become uncomfortable for him to walk on. He may change his gait a bit to compensate, which isn’t good for his joints.


This one of course only applies if your canine pal likes swimming. If Fido is afraid of the water, this isn’t the time to change his mind. Warm-water swims are a great way for older dogs to relax and get some exercise. Just supervise your pooch carefully. Never leave him unattended near the water.

Pet Ramps

Fido may have a hard time getting into the car, or, if he’s allowed, hopping on and off beds and couches. Doggy stairs or ramps will help him stay mobile.

As your Coral Springs, FL animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Contact us anytime!

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