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Adopting A Senior Dog/Cat

November 1, 2022

November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! This is one cause that could definitely use some attention. Older animals often have a very hard time finding homes. That’s very sad, because they make absolutely wonderful pets. A local Coral Springs, FL vet discusses adopting an older pet in this article.


Dogs and cats in their senior years have some very unique and ‘pawesome’ charms. For one thing, they’re usually quite calm. Most of them have outgrown bad behaviors, such as chewing and digging. They also tend to be quite patient, and often do well with young children and other pets. Many people actually prefer older animals, because they are easier in many ways. These guys really just want naps and cuddles! Fluffy will spend most of her time sleeping, and Fido may be more interested in chasing Z’s than in chasing squirrels.

Things To Consider

While senior pets are wonderful, make sure that you are ready to commit before adopting one. That means being prepared for the things that come with having an older pet, such as any possible medical issues that may arise. It’s always really sad to see an older pet getting returned to a shelter or rehomed. Fluffy and Fido get very attached to their humans, and get very depressed and distraught at being separated from them.


Keep your furry buddy’s age in mind when you go shopping for them. Fido and Fluffy will still need some toys, but for the most part, caring for an older dog or cat should be more about keeping them comfortable than keeping them entertained. That means providing little luxuries like thick beds and senior-friendly litterboxes, and picking food and treats that are made specifically for older animals. Ask your vet for recommendations.

Veterinary Care

Speaking of veterinarians, one of the first things you’ll want to do is make an appointment. This is a great chance to ask for tips about things like diet and exercise needs. 

Let Love Grow

Change can be very hard on pets. It may take Fido and Fluffy time to get settled. Be patient, and offer lots of love, attention, and, of course, treats. You may find that your new furry friend’s purrs, cuddles, and tails wags just melt your heart!

Do you have questions about caring for an older animal? Contact us, your Coral Springs, FL pet clinic, today! 

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