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Ways To Make The Holidays Easier On Your Pet

December 15, 2022

The holidays are officially upon us. This can be a stressful time of year for people. It can also be pretty rough on pets! Any changes in household, schedule, and/or environment can make many of our four-legged friends quite anxious and uneasy. Of course, the holidays can turn anyone’s routine upside down. A Coral Springs, FL vet offers some advice on how to make things a little easier on your furry buddy in this article.

Keep Routines Steady

Try to keep Fido and Fluffy on their normal schedule, at least as much as you can. Schedule disruptions make many of our animal companions anxious!

Decorate Carefully

Pets are very curious, and many of them will try to eat, well, everything. Put any potentially-dangerous decorations out of paws’ reach. That includes anything small or sharp, items with ropes or cords, and many plants. Some of these potential dangers include tinsel, pine needles, ornament hooks, ribbons, lights, manger pieces, and ornaments. Ask your vet for specific advice.


One way to help Fido and Fluffy work off any nervous energy they have is to keep them active. You know what that means: playtime! Even a few minutes of running and jumping can be a great workout for your furry pal. (Tip: new toys make wonderful holiday gifts!)

Prepare For New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve can be very scary for Fido and Fluffy. Many pets are absolutely terrified of fireworks! (The music, commotion, and noisemakers don’t help, either.) If your four-legged pal gets frightened easily, take steps to get ahead of the issue beforehand. Limit your dog or cat’s outdoor time that night, and bring them inside early. Before any parties get started, offer your pet a comfy spot in a quiet back room with food, toys, and treats. Turn a radio on to mask the noise. For very nervous pets, ask your vet about pet-calming products, such as treats, sprays, or weighted shirts. 

Quality Time

A little extra TLC can go a long way when it comes to providing comfort and love. Pay lots of attention to Fido and Fluffy! If you’ll be out more than usual this month, spend extra time with your furry friend when you are at home.                                           

Happy Holidays! Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your Coral Springs, FL animal clinic!

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