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Keeping Cats Cool

Florida isn’t known for mild summers. That heat can be rough on our feline pals! Cats are not only wearing fur coats, they also can’t cool themselves off easily. They can only sweat through their ‘toe beans,’ and panting isn’t…

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Swimming With Fido

Here in Florida, we get to enjoy swimming for most of the year, something many of our friends and neighbors up north truly envy. Many of our canine patients also enjoy going for a dip on a hot day! However,…

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Benefits of Cold Laser Therapy in Pets

Cold Laser Therapy on Dog Modern veterinary medicine offers some truly wonderful options for our furry friends. One treatment that we are happy to offer is cold laser therapy. Unlike hot laser therapy, which treats deeper tissues, cold laser therapy…

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Teaching Your Cat Better Scratching Habits

Is your feline friend using your sofa as a manicure station? If so, you’re not the only one. Scratching is a common complaint among people owned by cats. It can be frustrating to realize that Fluffy is damaging your furniture!…

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Caring for a Bulldog

Extremely Swollen Neck in Bulldog Difficult Breathing in Dogs | Hypoplastic Trachea Idiopathic Head Tremors in Bulldogs Here at Heron Lakes Animal Hospital, we enjoy caring for dogs of all shapes and sizes. However, we have to admit that bulldogs…

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