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Great Resolutions For Pet Parents

January 1, 2022

Happy New Year! Are you making resolutions for 2022? If so, why not include your pet? This is a perfect time to revisit your animal companion’s care regime, and see if anything needs to be tweaked. A Coral Springs, FL vet lists some great resolutions below.

Offer Good Food

Nutrition is just as important for pets as it is for people. Consider upgrading your dog or cat’s menu. Just don’t make changes too quickly. Ask your vet for specific recommendations.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Fido and Fluffy are cute, fun, loving, and cuddly … but they aren’t perfect. Sooner or later, your animal companion is going to do something naughty. When this happens, don’t punish your pet, aside from a verbal reprimand. Using positive reinforcement to reward good behavior is a much better tactic.


Pets can get pretty bored with nothing to do all day. Offering stimulation is very important! For dogs, this may mean daily walks and play sessions. Cats may appreciate things like window seats, kitty furniture, catnip, and/or enclosures.

Provide Comfort Items

Small things can make a huge difference to your pet’s overall health and quality of life. Things like soft beds, plushie toys, and climate control can help keep your furry buddy happy and healthy.

Take Time For Play

You remember the old saying about all work and no play? That’s true for both people and pets! Make sure that your furry best friend has lots of fun toys to play with, and take time to play with them regularly.

Visit The Vet

Proper veterinary care is absolutely crucial to your pet’s health and well being. Most of our patients should come in about once a year, though some will need more frequent visits. Be sure to keep up on wellness care! Also, watch for signs of illness, and bring your pet in if you notice anything amiss. 

Do Some Research

Even if you’ve had pets all your life, there’s still always more to learn about our animal companions. Carve out some time to learn a bit more about your furry pal this year.


Last but certainly not least, make sure your four-legged buddy feels loved and safe. Pay attention to them! Time spent with pets is never wasted.

As your Coral Springs, FL animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering top-notch care. Please feel free to contact us anytime!

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