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5 Reasons To Take Fido To The Park

March 15, 2023

March 30th may be one of Fido’s favorite days. It’s Take A Walk In The Park Day! Most of our canine friends absolutely love going to parks. Those doggy adventures aren’t just fun for Fido, though: they’re also great for him! A Coral Springs, FL veterinarian lists some reasons to take your four-legged pal to the park below. 


Our four-legged friends need proper activity to stay fit and healthy, just as we do. While Fido may be a furry, barking bundle of zoom as a puppy, he will slow down over time. Regular walks and playtime are pretty much the standard doggy workouts. Parks count as both!


Fido will get bored if his walks always take him down the same route. Going to a park is a great way to let your pet enjoy a change of scenery. 


Going to—and smelling—new places is wonderful stimulation for your pooch. Fido’s adorable nose is quite remarkable. Dogs’ sense of smell is between 10,000 to 100,000 as sensitive as ours is. They can discern a remarkable amount of information from scents. Just by smelling a tree, your canine buddy can find out who has been there and when. He may even be able to tell their age, sex, health, and emotional state. Think of this as a sort of doggy version of scrolling social media or reading a newspaper. 


Is your furry friend still a baby? Going to the park can also be great for socialization. Interacting with friendly, well-behaved pooches can teach your pet a lot about the do’s and don’ts of doggy etiquette. Little Fido will also benefit from seeing new places and faces. Just put safety first. Parks aren’t safe for puppies until they’ve had all their vaccines, so wait until your vet gives the all-clear. 

Tail Wags

At the end of the day, spending time doing something for Fido is just good pet parenting. That special friendship we have with our canine pals is a truly precious and beautiful thing. However, like any relationship, it needs to be nurtured. Enjoying some quality time with your furry bff is a wonderful way to keep that tail going. The sunshine, fresh air, and exercise will be good for you, too!

As your Coral Springs, FL pet clinic, we’re dedicated to providing top-notch care. Please contact us anytime!

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